Thursday, May 24, 2012

Week 3

Time flies! It's already been three weeks since Jason officially entered our lives. Even with the sleep deprivation and carpal tunnel, these three weeks have been amazing. I never imagined that being a mother would be like this...completely, utterly, all consuming love.

Sometimes, when I'm alone with him at home, I think back to all that we went through to have him in our lives and I'm speechless. Tears start welling up in my eyes and I feel so incredibly grateful and happy; I'm turned into a blubbering fool and all I can do is hope that everyone that is struggling to conceive gets to feel what I feel. It's a blessing that I can't even begin to describe.

With that being said, I have learned a few things during these three weeks and I'll pass on my experiences:
  1. Swaddle...Jason cannot sleep without being swaddled and we've tried all different types of swaddles. The Kid*dopotmus sack, regular swaddle blankets, Swaddle*Me with the velcro -- J was able to break out of all of them within seconds. So, we tried the Miracle Blanket and voila, it worked! He was snug as a bug in a rug and slept a full three hours!
  2. Carpel tunnel. It sucks. I have it in both wrists from picking him up and holding him in awkward positions. It doesn't help that all my computer use had already laid the ground work for CT. Now, I have to wear braces which really sucks when you're trying to pick up or hold the baby. Word of advice: try to use your whole arm and not your hand/wrist to support the baby when you're holding him.
  3. Leaky diapers. We had such a leaky diaper fiasco for the first two weeks. Basically, his diaper was leaking every single time he peed or pooped. We couldn't figure out what was wrong. We went out and bought several different newborn diaper brands, and even put him a size 1 (very large for his tiny body), but nothing seemed to work. Finally, we figured out that the freakin' vaseline we were told to put on his diaper to keep his circumcised peepee from sticking to the diaper was creating a barrier and keeping the diaper from absorbing. Since his little wiener has now healed and we don't need to grease his nappy, there's been no more leaks.
  4. Clogged ducts. I've already gotten them in my right boob. For some reason, J doesn't seem to dig my right boob very much and as a result, it doesn't get drained properly which resulted in a very painful, very engorged right breast. So, for the past few days, I've been using a warm compress right before I feed J on my right boob. It seems to get the milk flowing and almost "forces" him to drink.
Lastly, I just want to say how happy I am for both Newbie and TurtleMama!! 


Frankie Bee said...

Thanks Sooz! Glad you have survived the first 3 weeks! Thanks for the tips on holding. I hope your CT goes into remission quickly. I think alot of moms have difficulty getting their baby to nurse from the right breast well, because you're not as adept at positioning with your left hand. That's great that breastfeeding is working out!

Jen said...

Sounds like everything is going great. Sorry about the CT -I've heard it's quite painful.

newbie said...

Thanks so much Sooz! I am so happy for you as well. It sounds like you're in maternal heaven, clogged ducts and carpel tunnel notwithstanding! I can't wait to read more...

sienna said...

wth, your updates are not appearing in my blog, so i thought you've been silent since the baby was born!!! ughh!!!! i love love love the pics of baby J. he is a beauty. soo handsome!! i'm so happy for you and glad your'e doing well. the miracle blanket was our saving grace as well. the others are stunk. she stayed in that sucker until 4 1/2 months, when i woke up to find it NEXT to her. she pulled a complete houdini on us! anyways, if your clogged ducts ever get too many or annoying, your hubby can unclog it in just a few minutes for ya! that became my go-to cure bc i had 10 too many! xoxo.

sienna said...

hey!! she picked the ball!!! was surprising bc she won't play with her balls at home, yet she went straight for it with no hesitation at all. just posted about her party with more pics!