Thursday, August 11, 2011


3dp5dt and I'm back in the Bay and relaxing at home for the rest of the week until I have to go back to work on Monday. So far I feel ok with a couple of exceptions...

I'm pooped. I've been sleeping 9-10 hours/day since the transfer and I'm still tired. As a matter of fact, after I type up this post, I'm going to take a nap.

The other exception is that I'm pooped...literally. I'm having some serious bowel issues. I've been seriously constipated the past couple of days, so today I decided to take matters into my own hands and I had a nice glass of prune juice (disgusting). I'm not sure if it was that or something else, but I am now officially unplugged. The flood gates have been opened. The Kraken has been released. You get the picture...At this point I'm not sure which extreme is worse. I just hope things stay nice and quiet for awhile.


Kelli said... glad you were able to do your transfer. What great news about your blasts! Hope your stomach returns to normal and I will be crossing fingers and toes for you!

Frankie Bee said...

Sooz - I was so constipated after my egg retrieval. It took a good week to get "unplugged"! Must be all those hormones. Glad you are back home and resting. Keeping everything crossed for you!

sienna said...

I never realized how well prune juice worked until I had itr in the hospital. It is some seriouslynpowerful stuff! Ivf is some tiring shit, no wonder you are tired. Sleep sleep sleep away! Xxo.

Anonymous said...

Tired is a great sign! Keeping everything crossed that you're on your way to some serious RPS!!!

Jem said...

Oooo, I have a good feeling about this. Tired and constipated! Yippee!