WOW! This is so exciting -- 7 comments! I can't believe it. I never thought that anyone would be even remotely interested in reading my drivel and yet, there's the proof. Sheesh! Who knew?! Thanks to all for your words! It so nice knowing that there's such a wonderful supportive community out there. Now back to our regular programming...
I went for my third ultrasound this morning (thank goodness these are covered by my insurance) and it looks like one of my follies on the left has grown to 19mm. I'm supposed to trigger tomorrow morning and then have my IUI on Wednesday morning. But, get this (there's always a kicker to keep things interesting), my lining seems to have shrunk. How is that possible?
My lining was measured at 8.2 last Wednesday and on Friday. Then today, down to 7.1? I can either attribute this to my body's inability to do two things at once, like grow my follies and grow my lining, much like chewing gum and walking. Or, that someone measured incorrectly. The same person did my ultrasound on Wed and Fri and a different person did my ultrasound today. I'm going to split the difference and attribute a lining of 7.7mm (very scientific). Since it's still a bit on the shallow side, I'm going to start my regular dosage of estrodial. They're taken vaginally and they're blue, which results in making it seem like you've just had sex with a smu.rf.
Do genes matter?
7 years ago
Haha, I like the scientific deduction... it would work for me too. Also, the smurf sex... wierd, but true...
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